The first illustrated volume in the series “Cypriot artists” introduces one of the pioneers of Cypriot academic painting during British rule. Inspired by the notional art of Lytras and Gyzis, Kissonerghis’ (1889 – 1963) paintings had a uniform subject matter for half a century: scenes from everyday life, buildings, landscapes and historic sites. He was the first to depict contemporary Cyprus in his work, thus setting the foundations of modern Cypriot art. Also of interest is his artistic testimony of a less well-known place of Greek diaspora, South Africa, where he settled in 1953 and lived until his death, ten years later, without ever returning to Cyprus. This publication was made possible owing to the contribution of the heirs of Kissonerghis’ intellectual work who came forward with watercolours, personal documents, notebooks and photographs of the great artist.