J.P. Foscolo (hardback)


Επιµέλεια: Aνδρέας Mαλέκος.
O Iωάννης Π. Φώσκολο ήρθε στην Kύπρο το 1878 µαζί µε τα αγγλικά
στρατεύµατα και έζησε στη Λεµεσό µέχρι το τέλος της ζωής του. Στο διάστηµα
αυτό φωτογράφισε την Kύπρο, τον κόσµο της και τους νέους κατακτητές της. H
φωτογραφική δουλειά του Φώσκολο έχει να επιδείξει µια υψηλή ποιότητα, τόσο
τεχνική όσο και καλλιτεχνική.

J. P. Foscolo,

Edited by Andreas Malecos

John P. Foscolo came to Cyprus in 1878, along with the British troops and lived in Limassol up until the end of his life. During this time he took photographs of the island, its people and its new conquerors. Foscolo’s photographic work exemplifies a very high quality, both in terms of technique and creativity.

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The Cultural Centre of the Cyprus Popular Bank continuing its tradition presents this publication dedicated to the artistic creativity of Cyprus. It is a dedication with a double value. First, the artistic, presenting as it does for the first time part of the work of the pioneer photographer John P. Foscolo in a manner befitting his art, and secondly, the historical, being an important document of the recent history of the island. The photographs in this Album were taken at the time when Britain took over the administration of Cyprus from the Ottoman Empire. Imporant places are instantly recognisable though they have undergone many changes over the years, while others will be remembered with grief and nostalgia by the elderly, because they now lie in the Turkish occupied area of the island. The album cannot be described as a definitive collection of the photographic work of Foscolo but it does cover the part which is of general interest to the public.

Additional information

Weight 1.814 kg
Dimensions 34.5 × 25 × 2.5 cm




Print Type

