The elder paints an icon – Ο γέροντας ζωγραφίζει μια εικόνα



The text for this artist’s book was written in 2011 at the Monastery of Saint Georgios, at Mavrovouni, Cyprus, a spiritual site with a long history built on the ruins of a Byzantine church, and now located in a valley between a military checkpoint and a working mine which still produces the pigment umber (said to have been insisted upon by Vermeer). The two colour aquatints by Petr Herel are printed in the colour of the Cypriot hills and the dry soil. They map an unfinished and imagined journey across a sacred and ancient place, and in their openness and suggestiveness contrast with the strict and prescriptive artistic tradition followed by the Elder. The book is a witness to what remains in the landscape, but are these the bones of angels or sparrows or ordinary farmers that we stumble across; are these the worn routes crossed by pilgrims, or those followed by birds as they migrate to Europe from North Africa? Which is the actual image and which has been offset? Are these maps or constellations? -Based on the artist’s statement.

Additional information

Weight 0.166 kg
Dimensions 20 × 21 cm






