Theodoulos Gregoriou, La Biennale di Venezia 1990. ” In Plato’s allegory of the cave, as soon as the prisoner breaks his chains and passes from the shadows of the depths of the earth to its surface he faces the sun and immediately comprehends its life giving power. He is aware of the Autofoto – the self luminting sun – and also of the Heterofoto – the sun – reflecting heavenly bodies and thus generally understands that there exists a creative continuum between the inner and the outer elementsof nature between the visible and the invisible. The active transformation from the outward to the inward, which is equivalent to the apocalyptic dimensions of a phenomenon (relating to what it allows to appear and to what it hides behind) has always existed as an object for comment and self expression for many artists who have often wished to “convey” through metaphor the continuum of the visible and the invisible nucleus of its own energy. ” – Demosthenes Davvetas, The Sun – Life Giver to Matter [Ο ζωογόνος Ήλιος της Ύλης] (translation by Christina Georgiades)